Tips for online business owners.

Tips for online business owners.
You may first ask yourself a few questions, how often should I update my status on Facebook? How often should I Tweet? How often should I blog?
How often should I put a video on YouTube? Well there is no rule on this topic but some tests have been done for optimum results. Remember social
media marketing is a process and you have to set your goals to get attention from your market, not only visibility.  Also take into consideration that
you have to provide good content most of the time and 2% of the time have a call to action. Your audience needs to be educated on the fact that you
are doing this for business and they should not expect everything for free.  Simply consider these numbers :Twitter: 8 to 18 posts a day. Twitter has a
short shelf life. Facebook: No more than 3 posts. YouTube: 3 a week (for generic videos) Blogs: Once a day.  Advise from my friend…

3 Valuable goal setting tips.

3 Valuable goal setting tips.
1. Make sure the goal is realistic and can be broken down into small parts. A goal can be broken down into measurable units of time (each month, each week, and each day).
2. Make sure the goal is in front of you each day, and make sure you say the goal aloud each day. Goals must become habits and this is the first important habit of goal setting.
3. Break down the larger goals into measurable units that include both action steps and a timeline. And as you accomplish a goal or set of goals always remember to make more.

When your social media followers increase.

When your social media followers increase.
One of the indicators that your social media campaigns are doing well is when you see that your social media accounts are experiencing an increase in the number of followers. While it would be a mistake to think that the gross number of followers you have will automatically translate into sales and profits, number of followers is one essential factor that you should consider when gauging success.


Action, it’s your next step. Watch this short clip–>

When preparing to run the 100 meter dash, the announcer says, on your mark, get set, go. Well it work the exact same way when you decide to do something. Whether it’s cleaning out the garage, mowing the lawn, or deciding to read a book. You must decide what you want to do, which is the on your mark. Then you have to get all the tools necessary to complete the task, which is the, get set. And finally you take action, which is the go. Now you have to know that nothing happen until you go or take action so, on your mark, get set, go.

5 tips to build a stronger list.

5 tips to build a stronger list for you company.
One of the major systems that you’ll want incorporate into your business is one that builds a very solid and continuing list. Many who start an online business are not quite familiar with the importance of building a list. Imagine if you will that you’re a speaker and you are speaking to your audience, well your audience is your list, everything that you say to them all the tips and techniques that you are sharing with them are free. They listen and gain the knowledge that you are speaking about, however at the end of your presentation you have an offer for them to purchase a product that either you’ve created or that someone else has created. That’s exactly the way building a list works online, you give them valuable information for free in the beginning and at a certain point you offer them a product or service to purchase.
Visit to check out some of my books and eBooks to further you knowledge level.

Driving Traffic and Creating Products

Two things I want to discuss with you today, driving traffic to your site, and creating products. On the internet these are major, just ask anyone. Let me pole a question to you, how well do you do these 2 things? Be honest, because I can tell. Do you know that when you target a certain niche that you’re actually building a relationship with these individuals? They are going to make decisions on whether they should learn or buy from you, based on if they know, like, and trust you, according to the value of information that you deliver. So when you decide that you’re really ready to make some real money, start to create products. After all the will sell 24/7, Right!!!

Your Unique and Special Gift

We all have special talents and gifts, all individually supplied for you and you alone. That’s right, you see the world in a way that is unique, special, and highly valuable to others. We all have our own purpose for being here and that is always in line with your passion. Whatever your passion is you are the only one with this special way of seeing things. -And you know that to be a fact-. Today more and more people are turning their unique”message” into products and services, and -it works-.So starting today begin to focus more on what exactly your unique gift or talent is, and start to grow a business around it, and you will never work another day in your life.