What a Mision Statement should do.

What a Mision Statement should do.
A mission statement serves multiple purposes: It can motivate you and your employees, provide direction and focus as you make decisions, and give new hires a sense of the purpose of the company. It can also provide a confident and clear statement to potential investors, lenders, and members of the media.


Marketing, how important is that to your business?
Watch this short clip–>www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj15Gsium1w
People have to know that you exist in order to buy from you, does that make sense? So how do you market your product or service to the world. First let me introduce you to 2 different worlds, first is the online world, second is the offline world. Which world do you think is the largest? If you said online you are absolutely wrong, the offline world is larger by far, I mean think about it many people who own businesses are not even computer literate, and don’t want to be. They only want the results that having an online presence can bring. So they simply outsource or hire someone for the online part and focus totally on the actual business.
However, marketing is vital to the success or failure of your business so figure out ways to market both online and off.