12 ways to improve your WordPress SEO.

1. Setup Google Authorship and connect it to your site

2. Use friendly URLs

3. Use keywords in Post and Page titles

4. Use the H1 and H2 tags on pages for headings

5. Get keywords in early in your articles

6. Use keyword decoration

7. Link internally

8. Link out to authority sites

9. Name images correctly

10. Use image captions

11. Have a fast loading site

12. Make your site mobile responsive

Here are 10 fantastic traffic strategies.

Here are 10 fantastic traffic strategies that you may not be currently using.

1. Manually submit your site to at least 100 web directories in order to receive 100 backlinks to your site.

2. Comment on high-traffic blogs and include a link back to your site.

3. List your free eBook in popular eBook directories  such as Free-Ebooks.

4.Write a press release and submit it to Free-Press-Release.

5.Answer questions in LinkedIn Answers.

6.Get involved in a Google Group related to your niche at Google Groups.

7.Run and publish surveys using Survey Monkey.

8.Answer questions at Yahoo Answers.

9.Create an informational video and post it on dozens of video sharing sites using TubeMogul.

10.Write an informational eBook and give it away on your blog or website in exchange for your visitor’s name and email.

Compliments of speakwithlarry.com