5 Things to consider as you’re growing your Affiliate business.

5 Things to consider as you’re growing your Affiliate business.
1. The greatest benefit of affiliate programs is that when you are just starting out in your own online business you don’t have to worry about creating your own product or service. You just promote someone else’s and get a share of the revenue pie for your efforts.
2. You’re working on commission. You will NEVER earn by way of affiliate program commissions as much as you can earn by way of profits from producing and selling your own product/service.
3. Look for a company that’s been around for a while and that’s reputable and stable (both financially and in its management). Any reputable company will have full contact details readily available so do your research.
4. Watch out for exclusivity clauses and other restraints. Some affiliate agreements will require that you not promote competing businesses’ products and services. This is not to say you should avoid such agreements. As a general rule, it is your interests not to promote competing programs anyway. Just be aware of what the agreement says on the subject to avoid getting yourself into hot water.
5.Finally, take a look at what support the business offers its affiliates to make sales. Do they provide resources such as sample ads, banners, logos and the like? Do they provide useful advice about maximizing your sales? A good affiliate program provides affiliates with a LOT of support in these areas.        Advise from my friend…

The second level of affiliate marketing.

The second level of affiliate marketing.

While it is important to check out all the other obvious factors when joining an affiliate program, like reputation of affiliate company and ability and track record in paying out commissions to affiliates, your best free online affiliate program must be one that pays you for sub affiliate sales. As a beginner you will be able to generate a profit as a affiliate for a specific company, however, no matter how good you are or how high the traffic your best free online affiliate program site receives, there is no way that you can compete with somebody who has got an army of second tier sub affiliates. And if that person even has a third tier army of sub-affiliates making sales on their behalf, they then become completely and totally unbeatable. Remember I’m simply sharing the business with you not changing or sugar coating anything. It’s the way the game is played, and the winners play it well. This is very important and this single factor can make a huge difference to the sort of income that you will end up with.             Advise from my friend…


The one thing I tell every Affiliate marketer is:

The one thing I tell every Affiliate marketer is:
If the programs you choose match the content of your site, it should be fairly easy to lead your visitors to participate in them. If your site is a motivational speaking site don’t choose affiliate programs that market to gardening, or photography. In other words you probably won’t make much money as an affiliate if you choose affiliate programs that don’t have much to do with your site. Remember, your main asset as a content Web site is your content, your traffic and your knowledge of that traffic, so it’s a much better strategy to use the information you have and pick affiliate programs that would best serve your visitors and best supplement your content. Never forget that affiliate programs work best when affiliates choose products, services and companies that match the content of their Web site and would interest their readers. I think I’ve covered this point pretty clearly, and my final suggestion is to select only two or three programs at first until you become very familiar with all the moving parts. Remember also learn to teach, learn in a way that if asked to give a short speech about what you’ve learned, you would welcome the opportunity.     Advise from my friend…

How affiliate programs work.

How affiliate programs work, and should you do them.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz1oLrMnsMk
As someone just starting out on the internet, or even if you’re very familiar with it  (yes)  setting up an affiliate program would be a good idea. Because not only are you able to generate a profit but it doesn’t cost you a dime.
My suggestion however is to do a little research with the company that you select to affiliate with since you are a reflection of their company or business. One of the ways I determined my affiliates was if they were in line with my company or my business industry.