Tips on setting up a Vendors Booth.

Tips on setting up a vendors booth.
This is an event I attended this weekend for the Collin County Black Chamber of Commerce, in Plano Texas. My objective was to create 3 videos on “How to set up a vendor booth”. This is video # 1, I will post the other 2 tomorrow and the next day I hope you enjoy them and consider renting a vendors booth for different events for yourself. Remember, this is one way to help with your multiple streams of incomes.
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What got you here, won’t get you there.

What got you here, won’t get you there…
Whenever you make a decision to do something different, you also have to make a decision to add some new knowledge, some new techniques, and some new skills. We are by nature growth seeking individuals, and when you think about the knowledge you had when you completed middle school verses when you completed high school you had to learn new things, it’s the way it works.
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When you were young and you watched professional basketball players make their moves on the court you would try and imitate them. When you say football players spike the ball after scoring a touchdown you got excited and copied the same moves. All that is excepted, and so is copying others doing the thing that you’re interested in doing, to a point. Until you actually understand the way things work in your specific skill. After that simply make it your own and do your thing. Watch this short clip–>



This is a technique I learned from someone I studied for about 3 years now by the name of Jack Canfield. Yes the co wrote The Secret, and he is a speaker as well. Many of the issues we have are not to difficult to reduce or eliminate once we are able to identify them and put a little more work on them. However, rather than identify them we simple tend to continue without even acknowleding them. Watch this short clip–>

Mind Management

It’s important to realize that you are what you think, most of the time.If you spend the majority of your time with negative thoughts, guess what types of situations you’ll find yourself in most of the time.
When you begin your journey of owning your own business it’s essential that you consciously pay attention to your thoughts. Since your thoughts create your actions in order to move forward your thoughts must become positive, most of the time.

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5 Habits of a Professional.

When we become successful doing anything we have put in place a system of systems. Businesses are designed for you to set up then put others in place to operate it. That allows you the opportunity to go out and create other businesses, and spend time with your family or even travel the world if you like.

One of the beautiful things about starting a business is that it allows you to recreate yourself, you actually become someone of newer character, strength, and purpose. Many want to have a business, but because of their earlier teachings find it difficult to see themselves as actual owners of their own business.

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Identifying your Passion.

In this video I wanted you to really give thought to the thing that you really enjoy. We all have one, but as we grow, what we were passionate about in the past we still like, but because of where our growth has taken us we become passionate about something else. Have you experienced that before?

What actually happens is that your development has sprang new knowledge which took you to a place that caused your mind to expand, and the place it took you, you really liked and enjoyed. As a matter of fact because you enjoyed it so much you wanted to know all about it, and you begin to seek all the information you could, you have become passionate. Watch this short clip–>

Baby Boomers

This video is specifically for my baby boomer viewers. Many of us in that position are preparing to retire and transform into another life skill, what is that skill for you? Are you able to do the things you love? Are you in a position that you can retire and just live out the rest of your life without getting another job? Do you have a plan for generating another source of income?
The reality of what’s going on with the economy today is that you probably will have to go to work for someone else. However, with the internet and technology the ability to start a business of your own is not only possible but likely. Just imagine rather than going to work for someone else, you have your own business that you’re growing, and you can set it up while you’re preparing to retire.
You can do it and I will show you how.
Watch this short clip–>

Doing business with people you like and trust.

Doing business with people you like and trust.
When you decide to join the ranks of the entrepreneurs it’s important that you take on the role of an ethical and transparent individual. People like doing business with people they like and trust, and you want to always think in that manner. There will always be people who are only out for a quick dollar who will trick and cheat you at every turn. Just remember you don’t have to be that way and if you’re not, you will be rewarded for what you do and who you help.

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Have you ever gone to a seminar?

When you go to a seminar and the speaker is finished speaking, he or she offers you an opportunity to purchase their products or service. The only problem with that is when you look at the ratio of people that buy, it normally ranges between 15 and 20 percent of the audience. That’s not particularly bad, but it still leaves 80% of people who didn’t leave with anything. I wanted to be able to reach that audience because they want to change their lives also, they just can’t afford the highest products and because they can’t they have to walk away with nothing, I never felt that was ok.
So I made a promise that when I began to create my products that I would make them available to everyone not just those who could afford it, because at the end of the day it’s not about who buys the products it’s about what you do with them once you purchase them. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t have highend products, I’m simply saying I’m interested in reaching and helping the audience.
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