Saturday’s tip.

Reinventing the wheel is a costly and sometimes futile activity. That is why I totally believe in using other people’s knowledge and experience as leverage. What better way to do this than to learn the success secrets, experiences, and teachings of some of the world’s greatest motivational speakers and authors?
So here are a few such people that I have learnt and continue to learn a lot from. You would do well to read or listen to some of their material. Some are not motivational authors or speakers in the strictest sense, but their teachings certainly have the potential to change your life for the better.
Brian Tracy
Stephen Covey
Todd Beeler
Robert Kiyosaki
Jack Canfield
Napoleon Hill
Mark Victor Hansen
Marcia Wieder
TD Jakes
Brendon Burchard
Myles Munroe
Jon Mroz
Anthony Robbins
Jeff Walker
Norman Vincent Peale
Robert Allen
Jim Collins
Dr. Fredrick Haynes III
John Maxwell