The one thing I tell every Affiliate marketer is:

The one thing I tell every Affiliate marketer is:
If the programs you choose match the content of your site, it should be fairly easy to lead your visitors to participate in them. If your site is a motivational speaking site don’t choose affiliate programs that market to gardening, or photography. In other words you probably won’t make much money as an affiliate if you choose affiliate programs that don’t have much to do with your site. Remember, your main asset as a content Web site is your content, your traffic and your knowledge of that traffic, so it’s a much better strategy to use the information you have and pick affiliate programs that would best serve your visitors and best supplement your content. Never forget that affiliate programs work best when affiliates choose products, services and companies that match the content of their Web site and would interest their readers. I think I’ve covered this point pretty clearly, and my final suggestion is to select only two or three programs at first until you become very familiar with all the moving parts. Remember also learn to teach, learn in a way that if asked to give a short speech about what you’ve learned, you would welcome the opportunity.     Advise from my friend…