A fantastic revenue source.

A fantastic revenue source.
Setting up an affiliate program can provide a large boost in revenue. Affiliate programs pay when someone you referred actually makes a purchase, and you receive a set amount or a percentage as compensation. It’s never been easier to incorporate this process into your business. At first glance, setting up an affiliate program can seem difficult. However, it really isn’t as hard as it seems, and the rewards can be great. Affiliate programs are very profitable, but there are many smaller blogs which don’t use them. Affiliate programs work on a very simple principle. You place links and/or information about a product or service on your blog or website. In return, you receive a commission whenever a person purchases a product or service by clicking through your links. Most affiliate programs pay on a monthly schedule. Large programs, like the one through amazon.com, will be able to make direct deposits to your bank account or send you a check. Small programs, like those which are operated by a single person selling an e-book, will usually only pay through Paypal. The sky is the limit with affiliate programs. Once you’ve figured out how to write a convincing recommendation which brings in customers to the affiliate program you can repeat the formula for numerous products on numerous blogs and websites. Advise from my friend…