Did you know?

Did you know there are seven Universal Laws or Principles by which everything in the Universe is governed. The Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these Laws. Ancient mystical, esoteric and secret teachings dating back over 5,000 years from Ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece and to the Vedic tradition of Ancient India, all have as their common thread these seven Spiritual Laws of the Universe. Once you understand, apply and align yourself with these Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life beyond that which you have ever dared to imagine.
Also, of the seven Universal Laws, the first three are immutable, eternal Laws, meaning they are Absolute and can never be changed or transcended. They have always existed and will always exist. The other four laws are transitory, mutable Laws meaning that they can be transcended or at least “better used” to create your ideal reality.

Remember these quotes

Remember these quotes.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 Bible

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” Mahatma Gandhi

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” James Allen

“Fortunes gravitate to men whose minds have been prepared to attract them just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean.” Napoleon Hill.

”Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale

“A man is literally what he thinks.” James Allen

“If we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable.” Dale Carnegie

“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.” Napoleon Hill

“You are capable of much more than you are presently thinking, imagining, doing or being.” Myles Munroe

Saturday’s tip.

Reinventing the wheel is a costly and sometimes futile activity. That is why I totally believe in using other people’s knowledge and experience as leverage. What better way to do this than to learn the success secrets, experiences, and teachings of some of the world’s greatest motivational speakers and authors?
So here are a few such people that I have learnt and continue to learn a lot from. You would do well to read or listen to some of their material. Some are not motivational authors or speakers in the strictest sense, but their teachings certainly have the potential to change your life for the better.
Brian Tracy
Stephen Covey
Todd Beeler
Robert Kiyosaki
Jack Canfield
Napoleon Hill
Mark Victor Hansen
Marcia Wieder
TD Jakes
Brendon Burchard
Myles Munroe
Jon Mroz
Anthony Robbins
Jeff Walker
Norman Vincent Peale
Robert Allen
Jim Collins
Dr. Fredrick Haynes III
John Maxwell

Advise from my friend.

Do not rob this country of such a great resource as yourself. Utilise your potential. Be all that you can be so that when you die, you will have utilized every single drop of your being.
Marianne Williamson said – “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
You are all you can be. Go on and be it.     Advise from my friend…