10 questions to ask yourself before starting your business.

10 questions to ask yourself before starting your business.
1. Why am I starting a business?
2. What kind of business do I want?
3. Who is my ideal customer?
4.What products or services will my business provide?
5.Am I prepared to spend the time and money needed to get my business started?
6.What differentiates my business idea and the products or services I will provide from others in the market?
7.How will I advertise my business?
8.Who is my competition?
9.How soon will it take before my products or services are available?
10.How will I manage my business


Action!!!, that’s right the key to everything you ever want. This is normally the final step to recieving the results that you seek. After you’ve moved your idea from your mind to paper and now have a plan in place, in order to get what you want, or move to the place that you want to be, requires action. Now I’m not talking about reading a chapter in a book, or even writing the first chapter of your book, I’m talking about massive action. Action that you do everyday, moving you toward the results you seek.The order I recommend you impliment is to simply, 1. gain the knowledge, 2. apply action to what you’ve learned. And just watch where it takes you.

Things that will make you stop and go the other direction.

Things that will make you stop and go the other direction.
In life we have situations and opportunities that arise, and when they do some will cause you to stop in your tracks and go the other direction. One of those situations is DISGUST, when you say to yourself that’s it, I can’t and won’t take any more. That thought in itself has power in it as long as you put action to it. Another is DESIRE, when you want something bad enough, and are willing to put in the work, the world we live in will begin to align itself so that you can have all the desires of your heart. Finally, you have RESOLVE, that’s making a commitment to yourself that regardless of the situations, obstacles, or naysayers that arise you (will) have the thing that you seek. Many times the power of choice won’t allow us to grow because of conditioning that we’ve gone through, but sometimes we will be thrust into a situation or circumstance that will cause us to say enough, that’s it, no more, and when that happens change occurs.



Certain words have magic in them, one is the word (until) when you say that you’re not going to stop until you get what you want magic happens. Another is (regardless) when you say that you will have it regardless of the work or the circumstances magic happens. And final a phrase that has magic in it is, (I will never do that again) that means you learned a lesson.
Now move forward with the mindset that regardless of what happens, you won’t stop until you have what you want, and learn the lessons along the way. -Larry D. James-


Ambition is a powerful force, the power of ambition turns hopeful wishes into reality.
It leads you on the right course to the good life.
Ligitimate ambition says: I only want something at the service of others, not at the expense of others.
If it is your ambition to be great you must first find a way to do so by serving others.
It if is your ambition to be wealthy you must first learn how to give.
Have a fantastic weekend and stay ambitious…

Should you be using social media for your business?

Should you be using social media for your business?
Using social media allows you to check out your competition and see what they are doing to attract new customers. You can see what kind of deals they are offering, and therefore offer your customers something better. Blogging about things that you are knowledgeable in will let people know that you are a go-to for that particular area and you can also connect with other professionals through the various networks, even across the globe.
Besides establishing a trusting relationship with your customers and potential customers, there are a host of other benefits to this type of marketing. One of the biggest benefits is establishing awareness for your brand. Since so many people frequent these social media sites, you will be able to spread your company’s name and brand around to a lot of people all at once.
You have so much to gain and would be losing out on a lot of opportunities to grow your business if you don’t start taking advantage of them.

How your self-esteem is shaped.

How your self-esteem is shaped.
Your own thoughts have perhaps the biggest impact on self-esteem — and these thoughts are within your control. If you tend to focus on your weaknesses or flaws, you can learn to reframe negative thoughts and focus instead on your positive qualities.
How other people react to you, experiences at school, work and in the community, culture, religion, and your role and status in society are also factors that influence your self-esteem.
Relationships with those close to you — parents, siblings, peers, teachers and other important contacts — are especially important to your self-esteem.
Many beliefs you hold about yourself today reflect messages you’ve received from these people over time. If your close relationships are strong and you receive generally positive feedback, you’re more likely to see yourself as worthwhile and have healthier self-esteem. If you receive mostly negative feedback and are often criticized, teased or devalued by others, you’re more likely to struggle with poor self-esteem.

4 Social media tips to add to your marketing.

4 Social media tips to add to your marketing.
1. Cover industry events – live tweet coverage of events that are significant to your audience. This makes your brand the eyes and ears for those that can’t make it to the event.
2. Show, don’t tell – Demonstrating your products or services in action is a much more effective way to create compelling videos than talking about what you do.
3. Keep it short – Your audience’s attention span can be measured in seconds, even for video content. Keep your content short – less than a minute long if possible – to deliver a succinct message.
4. Symbols like # and + are your friends – Hashtags help your posts get discovered through search, while using the + feature gets the attention of individuals and brands. Finding ways to use these tools helps your audience find you.

The way you Think (v/s) the way you Feel.

The way you Think (v/s) the way you Feel.
Let’s face it, you think with your emotions whether you like it or not. And don’t worry, it’s not just you, we all do it.
You are going to have to train yourself to make decisions based on logic. Especially when your emotions are telling you to do something else.
Emotions don’t mix well with business because they cause you to do whatever will fix your hurt feelings instead of whatever is the best for the business.
Once you decide to start a business never forget that it is a business, nothing personal.