Coaching verses Mentoring, and should you be either.

Coaching verses Mentoring, and should you be either.
The ultimate purpose of either coaching or mentoring is to enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals so that they can increase their performance on the task for which they receive coaching or mentoring. For a coach, the task at hand is most important. The coach has to help the person learn the requisite attitude, behavior and skills needed to perform the job successfully within the agreed success parameters. Mentoring focuses on the individual and the conversation transcends more broadly into the general work life. This means the interaction can be more philosophical, more focused on attitudes and behaviors than on specific skills.

How to use your current strengths to build other areas of expertise.

How to use your current strengths to build other areas of expertise.
Start with a realistic assessment of your knowledge and skill set. If you were to leave a legacy, is there something for which you want to be known?
Start where you have the most knowledge, experience and credibility and build from there.  If you were to speak, teach or train in this area, what do you want me, as a consumer, to learn or know? Pick three major topics and write one hour of content for each topic. If appropriate, create a “how to” approach or system with your knowledge.


1.Power: Establish authority with a strong opinion
2.Passion: Create emotional bond with a personal story
3.Prestige: Raise the group’s expectations by setting a high goal
4.Alarm: Review potential problems
5.Mystique: Listen before sharing your own ideas
6.Rebellion: Incorporate a creative example to spark a new approach
7.Trust: Stick to your established and familiar path
This list is compliments of one of the people I study, her name is Sally Hogshead.

As a speaker, should you use visual aids?

As a speaker, should you use visual aids?
It depends. A speech is usually pre-prepared and read from a script with no visual aids. A presentation, however often has some form of visual aid but it doesn’t have to be PowerPoint, it could be anything that adds support to your talk.
The length of the talk and participation of the audience or not, often determine whether the talk turns into a lecture, a workshop, or a seminar and people have varied definitions of those.
I think the most important things to consider are, first who am I talking to, then what my objective is, and what action do I want my audience to take after I have spoken.

Should you start your own business?

Should you start your own business?
Starting your own business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It can offer numerous advantages such as being your own boss, setting your own schedule and making a living doing something you enjoy. But, becoming a successful entrepreneur requires thorough planning, creativity and hard work. These are a few things you need to ask yourself before deciding to be an entrepreneur. Before each number use the phrase, Am I: 1. Comfortable with taking risks, 2. Independent, 3. Persuasive, 4. Able to negotiate, 5. Supported by others.

Marketing tips for beginners.

Marketing tips for beginners.
The easiest way to begin marketing your talents, is to just get started. 1) Define your marketing style, get to know the real you deep down inside and then use that spiritual part of you to tap into your marketing style. 2) Make people feel special,  whether you are writing an article, a blog post, a newsletter, or sending out a mass email to your following, always write as if you are talking to one person. 3) Own your spotlight, the more you are comfortable being yourself and letting your true self shine through, it’s only a matter of time before your tribe discovers you and follows you all the way to the bank.

One inexpensive way to increase your exposure online.

One inexpensive way to increase your exposure online.
Once the structure for a solid platform is in place via your website, branch out by writing quality, informative articles. Creating and expanding your article portfolio increases your exposure, which is needed to be viable competition with other experts in your niche. Provide original, insightful, and useful tips or solutions in your articles, this will build trust and in turn increase your conversion rate. Remember to keep it steady  by publishing consistently over time rather than releasing a lot of articles at once.

Why you should consider Workshops.

Why you should consider Workshops.
A workshop or presentation is something that will motivate people and improve workplace productivity and morale though education.
Business education is always worth the cost. Thinking people are far more productive and motivated. Some things to consider are, how many people can attend, what do you cover, what is the cost, and so on.
Conducting a workshop not only allows you to reach more possible clients but will help you with your presentation skills.

Today’s tip on starting a business.

Today’s tip on starting a business.
Don’t rent a location if you can work from home, and don’t hire employees until you can keep them busy. People who start their small business inexpensively, often in a garage, den, or some other space, and create their first goods or services with more sweat than cash, have the luxury of making their inevitable rookie mistakes on a small scale. And precisely becaToday’s tip on starting a business.use their early screw-ups don’t bury them in debt, they are usually able to learn and recover from them. One more tip–Put all agreements in writing, the laws of your state require you to put some contracts and agreements in writing.

3 tips for better networking.

3 tips for better networking.
1. Be able to describe your business in one sentence. Avoid buzzwords and jargon; instead, imagine you’re telling your co-worker, or boss what your company does. Focus on explaining how your business benefits customers.
2. Listen more than you talk.  Listening can open doors. Ask questions about other people’s businesses and they’ll be happy to answer, while you gain insight into what they need and how you might be able to work together.
3. Focus on quality, not quantity. Networking is not about collecting 100 business cards, but about making real connections with people. Focus on what you can give the other person, not what you can get from them, and you’ll find that others are eager to help you.