Should you start a home based business?

Should you start a home based business?
A small home-based business is one of the most popular new business startups. More people start a home-based business each year than get married or have a baby! In fact, home-based businesses account for over $100 Billion to the economy every year. The reason is, most are very easy to get started and require much less capital than any traditional business. Home-based businesses can vary widely and the wealth opportunity with them does too, however it depends mostly on what you do. The time to start your own business is NOW.

Do you feel that everything has to be perfect first.

Do you feel that everything has to be perfect first.
Sometimes this impulse can keep you from creating your product. Writer’s block is one way perfectionism presents itself. Many people can’t give themselves the permission to write something that’s any less than brilliant, so they don’t write at all.
Procrastination can be a manifestation of perfectionism, too. If you’re dead-set on turning out the perfect product in your first session with no wiggle room whatsoever, that’s not going to be a session you’ll look forward to. You’ll put it off until tomorrow.
And get this, in addition to hampering the creation process, perfectionism will also hamper your marketing and sales efforts. Start, make adjustments, and start again.

Is your “Lead gathering” system in place?

Is your “Lead gathering” system in place?
Leads open doors, you need to make them a priority.
1) your method of capturing leads, which is often some kind of opt-in page, 2) the “ethical bribe”—the free, value-added giveaway you offer people in exchange for their email addresses—and 3) the technology you’re using to house these leads.
Until you move yourself through that phase, you’ll keep your business in the beginning phase.

Your Company’s “Image”.

Your Company’s “Image”.
Your company’s image is what makes it “stick” in the minds of potential customers. Your image is conveyed by your company’s colorful logos, artistic designs, creative Website, business cards, etc., but it goes much deeper than that. The look of your image backs up the corporate culture you’ve established in your company. It’s what you want to convey about yourself, your business, your product, your work ethic, and your professionalism combined with the strategy you’ve developed to reach your target audience.

Does this list remind you of anyone?

Does this list describe who you are?
•Strong desire to succeed, whether it is measured in wealth or accomplishments
•Very competitive and extremely hard working.
•Tenacity – Never give up mentality!
•Great Problem solver and Decision Maker.
•Optimistic – Entrepreneurs maintain a proper Positive Mental Attitude.
•Never Settle for Second Best!
•Passion and Vision.
•Not afraid to come out of their comfort zone – No Fear!
•Take Action type of Person.
•See Problems as Opportunities.

My 3 keys to starting your business online.

My 3 keys to starting your business online.
1. Start your business from home: By running your business from home, you not only save the overhead costs of commercial space, but you also save the time and money you would normally spend commuting, which can boost productivity.
2. Start your business part time: If your schedule allows, you can start a business while keeping your full-time job. This gives you the cushion of a regular paycheck and benefits from your job until your business is making enough to support you.
3. Start an e-commerce business: By selling your products online, you can reach a nationwide or even global customer base. You significantly cut your costs, since you aren’t paying rent on a storefront and don’t need to hire salespeople.

3 Valuable goal setting tips.

3 Valuable goal setting tips.
1. Make sure the goal is realistic and can be broken down into small parts. A goal can be broken down into measurable units of time (each month, each week, and each day).
2. Make sure the goal is in front of you each day, and make sure you say the goal aloud each day. Goals must become habits and this is the first important habit of goal setting.
3. Break down the larger goals into measurable units that include both action steps and a timeline. And as you accomplish a goal or set of goals always remember to make more.

3 Tips for starting a home based business.

3 Tips for starting a home based business.
1. Set a schedule and stick to it,– Setting and maintaining a schedule for your workday is critical.
2. Formulate a business plan,– Where do you want your business to be in six months, How about in two years?
3. Get on the Web. The Internet is the single best way for a home-based businesses to reach out to prospective customers. Even if your business isn’t “e-” anything, you need a Web site that can function as an online brochure for your company.