Spiritual Aspects

Spiritual Aspects…
As you decide to start your business you’ll want to make sure you have covered the spiritual aspects of growth and tests. Because as sure as you’re breathing once you start there will be tests, how you deal with those test will determine your growth or success.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze0Qp4fQjPE

Risk verses Rewards.

Risks verses Rewards…
Anything you do that has value or is valuable to you has risks involved. You’ve heard the saying, if it was easy everyone would do it. Well the same applies with starting a business, if it was easy and had no risks, everyone would do it. However the rewards far out weigh the risks if you don’t quit before you start to recieve the rewards. I mean it’s not even close you work hard initally and take risks, and the rewards can be that you never have to work again in your life, never.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmkrVl4vib8

You don’t like who I am, but I’m everywhere.

You don’t like who I am, but I’m everywhere…
One of the things I’ve learned about life is that everything isn’t for everyone. Have you ever heard someones voice and it just made you cringe, I mean you hate the voice so much you do even hear the message.
Have you ever saw someone and you don’t like the way they look, but they have a great message? The thing about those people is they seem to be everywhere, on the radio, tv, seminars,books, and on and on.
You don’t like who I am, but I’m everywhere, that should make you ask yourself a couple of questions. 1. Why am I judging these people? 2. What am I doing with my life? Your answer to those questions will cause a shift in the way you think from now on.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd6ifMvBJ-A

The advise we take.

The advise we take…
When you have a situation come up that you need help with or another perspective on who do you ask for advise? Who you ask advise from can often determine the success or failure of a situation. My question to you is, why would you take advise from some who knows nothing about what you’re doing?
If the advise you take can determine success or failure, don’t take advise from someone who only has an opinion, and no experience in what you do.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWHdmSVZ08o

Friends who are not really nice people.

Friends who are not really nice people…
We all have friends and I do mean friends, because a lot of people say those aren’t my friends they are my associates, when in reality you tell them vital information about you and your business, which makes them your friends.
And since we keep them so close we know their character, and we know they are not really nice people.
My question to you is when someone needs something done that your “friends” are good at do you not recommend them simply because you know they are not really nice people?
Watch this short clip—>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIoXPUfVKpA

Tips on setting up a Vendors Booth # 3.

Tips on setting up a Vendors Booth # 3.
This is a panoramic view of the way the third phase of your vendor booth should look like.
First you’ll want to set it up, then you’ll want to make a recording of the way it looks, then you’ll want to record the audience once they are in the room. It’s not necessary that you record them as they walk into the room, but you could if you like, it’s your call.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxTO4FO6U0I

Tips on setting up a Vendors Booth.

Tips on setting up a vendors booth.
This is an event I attended this weekend for the Collin County Black Chamber of Commerce, in Plano Texas. My objective was to create 3 videos on “How to set up a vendor booth”. This is video # 1, I will post the other 2 tomorrow and the next day I hope you enjoy them and consider renting a vendors booth for different events for yourself. Remember, this is one way to help with your multiple streams of incomes.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FISVuPiTCvI

Today is the day.

Well today is the day I have another event to market my products. At the Collin County Black Chamber of Commerce, in Plano. At these events I get to meet other business entrepreneurs and record my part, that for me creates another product. …Normally an event like this allows me to walk away with about $500.00 for about 3 hours of adding people to my email list, and creating valuable connections. Win, win right, check out some of my products at www.larrys2010storefront.com, have a fantastic weekend, I know I will…