

This is a technique I learned from someone I studied for about 3 years now by the name of Jack Canfield. Yes the co wrote The Secret, and he is a speaker as well. Many of the issues we have are not to difficult to reduce or eliminate once we are able to identify them and put a little more work on them. However, rather than identify them we simple tend to continue without even acknowleding them. Watch this short clip–>

Computers and the Internet.

Computers and the Internet.

Thanks to the invention of the computer and the internet now it’s possible to start and run a successful business from the comfort of your own home. That’s right the playing field has been leveled. When you put your website online no one knows whether you’re a 2 million dollar a year company, or a 2000 dollar a year company. Which means that if your content is relevent, people will purchase your products, how great is that, right. You have a store online that sells your products 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, that costs you pennies to operate. Get on board, Today!!! Watch this short clip–>



What sells today is information, now once you gain the information you have to create a product to put that information on. I know that makes sense to you right, I mean how else will someone get the information from your head to theirs, right. The choices are many, so take the time right now, to figure out which product you’ll want to create first. Remember this is not a wish or a hope this is going to be a well defined process. Watch this short clip–>

Your Online Store

Yes, I do have my own store, and you will too. It’s not difficult at all you simply have to follow a few steps that I’ve set up for you, and before you know it everyday you get up you’ll watch money in your account because of sales that you recieved overnight. Start to think about what you want to name your store, and let’s get started.
Watch this short clip–>


Why is it that business people are able to free up time to travel, free up time to attend different events, or vacation whenever they want? It’s because they outsource many of the duties necessary to run their businesses. Many people have the mentality that no one can do things as well as they can, well you simply have get over that mindset, other wise you don’t have a business, you have a glorified job.
Watch this short clip–>

Setting your system up.

Setting your system up.

Alright now it’s time to get serious, figure out where you will create your own business space. Create a space in your home that will allow you to think, and be quiet, without many interruptions. Gather the materials that you will need. It’s not necessary that you get everything at once. What you are doing on this level is simply adjusting to a new way of doing things. Remember what got you here won’t get you there, what got you where you are right now won’t get you to where you want to be it takes new ideas, new ways, and new actions. So you are preparing yourself to create a new you. Keep your eyes on the changes that you identify in you, and don’t be afraid of who you become, welcome it, it will become part of the strength you’ll need to grow along your journey.

Watch this short clip–>

The Process

I know, I know, I skipped over a video but I had to put the one up that said Friday, on Friday right. Oh well it’s Monday and I wanted to discuss the process of beginning a business today. I trust you had a fantastic weekend, so we will begin the week with, making the decision to start your business, let’s do that now because we only need to do that once.So we begin NOW.

Watch this short clip–>

A different view point.

A different view point…
A business of one, once you decide to begin you new business, that’s what you become, a business of one. Unfortunately, no one succeeds alone, therefore it’s necessary that you newtork with others and bring some of them on board to your system.
As you begin to set up your foundation you can do all of that by yourself, it’s not difficult and can all be done from the comfort of your own home. That’s one level, the next level would be product creation, so start to think about the first product you want to create, and we’ll talk more later.
Watch this short clip–>



Sorry I skipped over this one, it’s somewhat self explanitory. In order to grow to the level that you can you’ll need to incorporate others who think and act much the way you do. What I mean by that is those who gain the knowledge, then apply what they’ve learned, in order to get the results they seek. One other thing I want to share with you real quick is, don’t take yourself and the things you do too seriously, Yes, absolutely, you want to be professional, but life will bring you challenges and situations, most things that will come your way won’t be anything that you can’t overcome. In other words don’t forget to enjoy the process. Watch this short clip–>


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what others have said about you, what matters is what you are saying about yourself. People are going to do what they do, and say what they say, you have to feel good enough about yourself to overcome any negative or difficult situations you have to deal with. Which means if your self-esteem is low you have to consciously work on that, because it’s absolutely necessary that you believe in youself to succeed.
Watch this short clip–>