People who are serious about becoming public speakers.

People who are serious about becoming public speakers, is that you?
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Welcome to my video today, although public speaking is a fear to many in the 21st century, it’s also part of the growth curve once you decide to start a business, or write a book, or create anything that generates a profit. Why is that you ask, once you have done something that generates interest, or profit others will want to know how you did it.
Now don’t get discouraged that’s a good thing, because with that comes incredible opportunites. You simply have to be prepared to take advantage of them. Unfortunately, for many when someone asks them to speak at an event about what they’ve created they are afraid, even terrified.
I know, I was one of those people, now I am proud to say that through creating CD’s, DVD’s writing books, radio interview’s and more, I am better, still a work in progress but better.

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