A quote from someone famous.

A quote from someone famous, Mr Ziglar.
Watch this short clip–>www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAPPHJ19KGY
I believe that any endeavor you choose to take on, from time to time you will feel less enthusastic, or focused for whatever reason. It’s just part of the things that happen when we want to accomplish something new. Putting in place ways that help keep you focused and grounded will always bring you through those times.
Which is why I suggest to all of my clients to incorporate a system of reading quotes. Initally it may seem uneventful or as if you don’t have time for that, but after about 3 to 5 days of doing it something starts to happen within them. Their confidence begins to shift, and they are able to see things from a different perspective. You see quotes are designed to be informative and uplifting, and they are you simply have to read enough to get the full benefit.

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