As your money grows.

As your money grows, what do you do?
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In today’s business world not only can you create a business that will support your lifestyle, but many business owners will offer to purchase your entire company and everything in it. Are you prepared to make a decision to sell or keep it?
One of the benefits of creating a business plan or business model is that even before you create the plan or the business you already know the direction you want to go with it. The fact that you actually built something from only an idea in your head and can now sell it for a life altering amount of money requires thought.
You can never get to attached to something that you can’t make a what I call (best for everyone decision). You must be able at all times to evaluate the situation and make a decision. It’s part of growing a business, so as your money grows keep your ear to the ground for different opportunites that may present themselves.

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