Speak to be remembered.

Speak to be remembered, it’s your objective.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7H1R9KFqc
As a speaker I enjoy sharing things that I’ve learned long my journey with others because, I know first hand something that many beginning business owners don’t, and that’s in order for your business to really take off and grow to the level that you seek, you have to talk to others about it.
Think about this, when we rehearse to give any type of presentation we are merely repeating, and listening to what we’re saying and the way we’re saying it. The more you practice and get better saying it, the more it begins to make sense to you, both in what you’re saying, and the places that you’re putting empahsis.
Therefore, the earlier you begin to focus on speaking to be remembered, the more natural it will become for you.