Your fans

Your fans, yes I said your fans. Watch this short clip–> It’s absolutely amazing the following that one recieves once they make a decision to start something. Initally it’s called support, then as you stick to it things begin to move more in the direction of someone becoming a fan or a loyal follower. One of the hazards involved with any type of growth I spoke about on one of  my CD’s titled- You are so much more than that, is the hazard of the EGO. You must stay consistently aware of the ego because it will creep in and before you know it your purpose will have changed. You are no longer doing the things you do to help others, you begin to do them for the attention, or even worst the money. So remember that someone who becomes a fan will be viewing you and the way you handle growth or success. Therefore pay attention when you start to feel the I, me, and mine mind set show up and stop its progress right there. Because it’s not about you, its about your message to your fans.

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