Marketing online isn’t marketing anymore.

Marketing online isn’t marketing anymore.
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The way we market today is not to simply put a product in front of someone and expect them to purchase, no the way it’s done is to establish a relationship with the customer or prospect. How do you do that you may ask, well it’s through things like email, articles, blogs, and the list continues.  As you position yourself to market your product or others products view that process as a getting to know event with perhaps 5 to 7 points of contact that you give value to the prospect instead of offering them something to purchase.
This technique will initally feel a bit strange, or uncomfortable but within the first week or so you will begin to understand why the process works so effectively. The beauty of this technique is that it doesn’t cost you a dime, it’s only your time that you’re paying with. Your time is however the most valuable piece to the puzzle so as you begin to generate monies consider outsourcing certain duties to free up more of it for yourself.