Opt-in Squeeze page.

Opt-in or Squeeze Page it is absolutely necessary for your success. Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEKtnIHcVEI This is the thing that get’s the ball rolling, once your prospective customer or client opt’s in to your site it’s like they’ve taken the bait.Think of it like raising your hand in class, before you raised your hand you were only listening, now that you’ve raised your hand you can speak. And from the perspective of the business owner you have allowed them to put into action the messages that they have prepared for you to gain knowledge about their expertise, on a certain topic or subject. It’s actually a win-win for both parties initially because each is getting what they want. Opt-in Squeeze page make sure you have one. http://amazon.com/author/larrydjames

2 types of transitions.

2 types of transitions.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0DkPXhJIo
These are for my speaking audience, as a speaker it is necessary that you understand certain things about how to transition from one point to the next. It’s also vital to know when and where to insert them. Knowing these will let your audience know where to refocus their attention to something else in your story.

Your fans

Your fans, yes I said your fans. Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEOehmos2Q8 It’s absolutely amazing the following that one recieves once they make a decision to start something. Initally it’s called support, then as you stick to it things begin to move more in the direction of someone becoming a fan or a loyal follower. One of the hazards involved with any type of growth I spoke about on one of  my CD’s titled- You are so much more than that, is the hazard of the EGO. You must stay consistently aware of the ego because it will creep in and before you know it your purpose will have changed. You are no longer doing the things you do to help others, you begin to do them for the attention, or even worst the money. So remember that someone who becomes a fan will be viewing you and the way you handle growth or success. Therefore pay attention when you start to feel the I, me, and mine mind set show up and stop its progress right there. Because it’s not about you, its about your message to your fans. http://amazon.com/author/larrydjames


Action, it’s your next step. Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnMchDZw8xc

When preparing to run the 100 meter dash, the announcer says, on your mark, get set, go. Well it work the exact same way when you decide to do something. Whether it’s cleaning out the garage, mowing the lawn, or deciding to read a book. You must decide what you want to do, which is the on your mark. Then you have to get all the tools necessary to complete the task, which is the, get set. And finally you take action, which is the go. Now you have to know that nothing happen until you go or take action so, on your mark, get set, go.http://amazon.com/author/larrydjames

Get Rich Quick.

Get rich quick, is that the way you want to make your money?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqSzE6USP1U
Surprise, that’s not the way it works. In order for you to truly be able to handle the growth in your life or your business there has to be a process. Think about if someone just gives and gives to you, you not only disrespect the gifts, but you also disrespect the giver.
It came to easy for you or even worst it came without you doing anything for it.
Normally when ever you’re involved with a get rich quick situation, you are positioning yourself to lose, and lose big. One of my favorite quotes says that, When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with money will walk away with experience and the man with experience will walk away with money. Those are words to live by, and chances are that if you’re ever involved in that situation which person do you think you will be?

A Niche

A Niche, which one are you in?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXtmjHKqzyk
Are you familiar with that term? Do you have any idea how valuable it is that you identify what that is for you and your business? Let me tell you it is most times the difference between failure and success. I want to give you this analogy, imagine that you are going to climb a ladder to the top of success in your business, and you’re marketing to the whole world.Your business is making baseball bats. Are you going to make more profits marketing to baseball teams, sporting goods store,or to the whole world?
If you said baseball teams you’re absolutely right, I mean think about it who uses more baseball bats, baseball teams, or the whole world? Therefore baseball teams would be your niche and that is where you would generate the bulk of your money initally.
Get it, got it, good.


Partnerships-Promotional, do you know how they work?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxZqMFjYEPc
When you’re growing your business, one of the rewards involved with the growth is to have created value that would make someone want to partner with you. That not only brings in more revenue but it establishes you as a leader in that area.
Today people who start and operate a successful home based business, are open to the possibilites of partnering with major corporations, Fortune 500 companies and that same possibility exists for you. Once you’re able to position yourself as an expert in any field you choose, those same doors open for you.
Now I did say any field you choose, because the choice is your’s. The time is now, start your own business.

Marketing online isn’t marketing anymore.

Marketing online isn’t marketing anymore.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KcMixflXrY
The way we market today is not to simply put a product in front of someone and expect them to purchase, no the way it’s done is to establish a relationship with the customer or prospect. How do you do that you may ask, well it’s through things like email, articles, blogs, and the list continues.  As you position yourself to market your product or others products view that process as a getting to know event with perhaps 5 to 7 points of contact that you give value to the prospect instead of offering them something to purchase.
This technique will initally feel a bit strange, or uncomfortable but within the first week or so you will begin to understand why the process works so effectively. The beauty of this technique is that it doesn’t cost you a dime, it’s only your time that you’re paying with. Your time is however the most valuable piece to the puzzle so as you begin to generate monies consider outsourcing certain duties to free up more of it for yourself.

Creating products doesn’t cost any money.

Creating products doesn’t cost any money.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZLTp3Wa7x0
That’s right in the world we live in today, it is amazing the number of people who have become millioniares simply by creating products from home and setting up a system to market them. One of the beauties of creating products today is that you have the luxury of selecting the product you want to create. If you don’t want to write a book, create a CD, if you don’t want to do a CD, create a DVD, and so on.
Now the major benefit to creating the products is that their very inexpensive. Many people who would like to create a informational product believe that in order to do so you need to have a college degree, and a whole lot of money and status, that’s 100% not true. Actually it’s just the opposite, you don’t need a degree at all, and very little cash, and your status will come as you market your products. Open your mind to the possibilites today and create.

The only way to share your knowledge widely.

The only way to share you knowledge widely, do you know?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNGby-W5dA0
Well today we have this thing called the internet where you have the ability to reach millions of people with the click of a mouse. We are being exposed to a whole new way of doing business and you have a perfect opportunity to join in.
Never in our life time has the person who only has a shoestring budget been able to compete like the fortune 100 or 500 companies. The time is now, you have the knowledge so decide that you want to share it worldwide.