Who do you trust?

Who do you trust, is the question.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvYwqvawhNs
Well, do you have the answer? Is it your Mother, or Father, friend, brother or sister,co-worker many time it will be neither. As you’re deciding to grow your business the person that you can trust is often someone that you don’t even know yet.
I know that sounds a little strange but it happens more than you think, some times our friends have proven to be someone that when put in a certain situation you can’t count on them. It’s also the same with our family members as well, as you grow you will learn to hold people accountable and the you will find the one’s that can be trusted.


Perspective, or point of view.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p521HuxMoQs
We all have one and being able you use your perspective of something or someone is important in the way you evaluate them. What works for one will not work for others, therefore, being clear on the way you feel about something becomes your perspective.
You are 100% entitled to your’s, but so is everyone else. So don’t try and force your’s on others but also don’t let others force theirs on you, simply let your feeling, emotions, and intellect flow or disagree. Remember it’s your Perspective.

Even with a bad past.

Even if you’ve had a bad past, you can still have a business.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rj81vEIago
Technology has evened the playing field for people who want to start their own business like never before. Even if you have messed up your credit, messed up you criminal record, today you can still have a online business that will generate the lifestyle that you want.
All it takes is following a few techniques I’ve created and you can be up and running in 90 days or less, depending on how quickly you learn and apply the things that you’ve learned.


Quotes, good for the soul.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q845VQtmwiw
That’s right when we hear a quote that we really like it has a tendency to lift our spirits. We want to memorize it, and share it with others at some other time. They have a profound effect on our feelings toward a certain person or thing. They are also things that stick when someone is giving a speech, or maybe you’re reading something with a quote that you like.
With all of our negative self-talk and all the negativity that we get from friends, associates, co-workers, and the like, it becomse vital to keep a stream of positive affirmations streaming into your life. They help to keep us focused, and uplifted.


Resources, do you have any?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoPyyIZTIBY
Sure you do, you may not know how good they are though. Often times we try and do everything ourselves without the input of anyone else. Regardless of whether or not we have expertise in a area or not we still and try and do everything on our own.
Is that you?
Because we’re all part of a big puzzle, you are only one piece to the puzzle, think about that for a moment, what ever your delima in order for you to solve it you normally have to incorporate someone else, or something else, in an effort to complete the puzzle that you’re working on.
Is that making sense to you?
Keep your resources available, and ready to move.


Influence, how do you feel about that word?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFulJxWrMxA
We have leaders and followers in this world one of the characteristics of being a good leader is that you’re a good follower. The process that it took for you to become a good leader required that you take everything into consideration from the followers perspective. And since you were a follower before you knew exactly what to consider.
Therefore as a leader you’re able to influence others in a productive and progressive manner that generates compliance and buy in to the system that you’ve structured. And being able to not only get buy in, but also to get the best effort out of the people you are influencing is a skill. And all skills can be taught or learned.

What position do you hold?

What position do you hold, think about that question for a moment.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdpQ9_Jb3G8
As a leader in any group or organization as soon as you assume that role you must prepare to be tested. It’s not so much that people disagree with you as it is that they unconsciously test you to see if you are strong enough to really be their leader.
And it not so much that you are intimidated by their jabs, its just that you are actually learning on the fly, and many times that can be a little scary. Although after a while you will have past the test, at which point things become more natural and accepted.
Step out there and become the leader that you are destined to become.

Being you

Being you, do you know who you are?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO8hmOxcx48
Many times as we are going through life we admire someone else so much that we fail to remember who we really are. For instance as an entertainer you may want to identify with someone elses skills or their techniques which is fine, just don’t allow your entire growth process to simply duplicate them and not incorporate your own style.
As you’re beginning anything new you will need something or someone to follow until you become comfortable with all the so called moving parts, which is totally understandable, as a matter of fact I recommend it. Just don’t be so consumed with them that you forget about you.


Fear, it has many disguises.
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4omEqN0vmg
People consciously and unconsciously allow fear to control their lives, there is a zone called the comfort zone and once you get within that zone many times it has a negative effect on our growth. We all have unlimited potential and not moving forward on information of possibilites that exists only freezes us.
Fear will freeze you in your tracks, you can have all the information you need, and because of fear you will not take any action. When this happens you become what’s known as a procrastinator. No one takes a procrastinator seriously, because they can count on the fact that once they get to a certain point of growth, they will freeze and stop any forward moving activity. And that is not good.
So gain the knowledge or the information then move on it take action, it’s the only way to get the results that you want.

Where would you like to be 2 years from today?

Where would you like to be 2 years from today, do you know?
Watch this short clip–>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH34wyXgMfM
It’s vital to your growth and success that you’re able to answer this question with certainty and clarity. Statistics show that people who have goals, written goals are much more likely to acheive them than people who just wing it through life.
Now today with technology advancing the way it does you no longer have to rely on a job, you can actually create a profit producing business of your very own based on what you really like to do. That’s right there are people doing it right now and so can you, don’t wait get started now.