
Commitment, are you ready.
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Have you ever really wanted to do something and after the first couple of days it seemed like you were really on the right track then, -Boom- this thing called life took you in another direction. By way of you running out of money, or your car breaking down, or even your child got sick and caused you to have to stop your current path and make some adjustments.
The way you handle those obstacles and get back on track will determine whether or not you are successful in life. If your able to make the corrections in a timely manner stay focused and continue on the path, you’ll make it. However, if you start to feel sorry for yourself and start to do nothing that’s exactly what you’ll end up with, nothing.
So once you decide to make a commitment to something stay the course, the other positive about staying the course is that it will cause you to think more seriously about the commitments that you decide to take on.