
Commitment, are you ready.
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Have you ever really wanted to do something and after the first couple of days it seemed like you were really on the right track then, -Boom- this thing called life took you in another direction. By way of you running out of money, or your car breaking down, or even your child got sick and caused you to have to stop your current path and make some adjustments.
The way you handle those obstacles and get back on track will determine whether or not you are successful in life. If your able to make the corrections in a timely manner stay focused and continue on the path, you’ll make it. However, if you start to feel sorry for yourself and start to do nothing that’s exactly what you’ll end up with, nothing.
So once you decide to make a commitment to something stay the course, the other positive about staying the course is that it will cause you to think more seriously about the commitments that you decide to take on.

Sell the results not the process.

Sell the results not the process, are words to live by.
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When addressing your possible customer think in terms of the emotions that he or she will experience. When making a decision to purchase something we have a tendency to be influenced by our emotions. Therefore it only makes sense that we as salesmen and women touch those emotional nerves when we address out prospective clients.
Remember we all have five senses and the more senses you’re able to connect with when painting the sales picture to the customer, combined with creating a splash of imagination for them to see the better the chances of you making the sale.


Happiness its a choice.
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Everyday you are blessed to wake up gives you another chance to be happy with who you are and what you have. We all know that one day we will pass away, and when that time comes it will be the end of story for you on planet earth as we know it. A few questions you may want to answer while you’re alive are, did I live? Did I love? and Did I matter?
If you were to put all your problems in a barrel and look inside you may not like what you see, however if your neighbor were to put all their problems in a barrel and allowed you to look inside and said they wanted to trade with you, you may have a different opinion of your problems. Attitude goes a long way when you’re choosing whether to be happy or not, make sure you choose a positive attitude and your journey will be filled with opportunites of happiness.

6 Qualities that winners possess.

6 qualities that winners possess.
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Today one of the easiest ways to become successful is to identify someone who is doing what you aspire to do, and follow him or her. Not in a stalker sense, but through reading their online information, watching their videos, and connecting with others that spark your interest along the way. The internet has leveled the playing field and what used to take years to understand can be learned in months or even weeks today.
One of the keys to remember is to learn from people who are like minded, people who think with an entrepreneur mindset, not an employee mindset. When you make the decision to start your own business, you also make the decision to view things from a different pespective. Is it rocket science? No, but it is necessary that you make the mental shift.

Make what you don’t know, what you know.

Make what you don’t know, what you know how difficult is that?
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We as human beings are growth seeking individuals, we seek to expand daily whether its knowledge, strength, spirituality what ever we want to grow. Many times the caveat to that is we want to put things off until later. Not realizing that there is no such animal as later, we only have the present.
Therefore by choosing to wait we are also choosing not to do. The key is to do something small in the direction you want to go, by doing so you create more interest and more clarity towards understanding the thing that you want to know. The idea is not to have drastic changes simple small understandable and controlled changes.
When you learn that way you’re not overwhelmed, or you don’t take on so much that you do nothing. See there by coming to this site today you made what you didn’t know, what you know.

You can’t do it all yourself.

You can’t do it all yourself, and you shouldn’t have to.
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The objective of starting a business should be to grow it, and in order to expand it to a level that will allow you the freedom to do what you want, you will at some point need to outsource certain responsibilites to someone else. Now you will still remain in control so don’t worry about that, but to have the luxury of traveling the world,  time with family, or creating another business you will have to bring in others.
It’s actually a good thing, you’ve heard the phrase two heads are better than one, well that goes double for businesses and their growth. Just be selective and make certain you choose people who have the same goals or direction that you have for the company.


Complacency, this is a word that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but it should.
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1. A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy.
2. An instance of contented self-satisfaction.
3. To be content with one’s present or past honors, accomplishments, or prestige.
These are all forms of complacency and from time to time can get you in trouble, simply because someone else is always working hard to move up a notch.

An excerpt from the power of attitude Mac-Andreson.

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This video is about attitude, whether positive or negative at the end of the day this is something that only you have complete control over. When your attitude is negative you attract more of the things that are in line with negativity. However it works the exact same way if your attitude is positive, you create and attract positive things in your life. Remember I said it’s totally up to you, so if you’re feeling low or down you have the ability to change those feelings simply by re-framing your thoughts to a more positive outlook and so will you view of things become more positive. One of the ways I like to look at attitude is that it’s  your (super power) because we live in a fast pace world and things happen all the time both good and bad and when they do it can really effect you in a uncomfortable way if your attitude isn’t positive. Now just like anything else in order to get good at it you have to consciously practice, and make adjustments along the way, because everything doesn’t require you to change all together sometimes a simply keeping your mouth shut will do.

When you connect with one audience member.

When you connect with one audience member, you connect with the entire group.
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That’s right the techniques is called, look to one but speak to all. When you do that you’re allowing the audience to process what’s being said and incert themselves in the situation. It’s basically done by using you words things like, have you, should you, would you, and so on.
One of the major results you’ll want to get from your audience is for them to feel as if you were not speaking to the entire audience but speaking directly to them.

The importance of being seen as an expert.

The importance of being see as an expert is vital to your success.
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That’s right, as a speaker, and at some point we all become speakers on some level. In order to market your product, sell your service, or just become part of a movement it become absolutely necessary that you work on your speaking skills. I am quite aware that the vast majority of people have a fear of speaking in public, it is however a skill that can be learned and mastered, therefore for you to simply get better at it isn’t that difficult.
As a speaker myself I too shared with you the fear of public speaking, I however choose to view it differently, I wanted to go from someone who had a fear of speaking to someone who became sought after to speak. And through trial and error, speaking at different events such as Toastmasters and the like I have become better and I continue to work daily by writing and practicing speeches. However just remember one thing, you can’t get better at speaking by writing, and you can’t get better at speaking by reading, you can only get better at speaking by speaking.