The Rule of Three

The rule of three. Are you familiar with that? I know it may seem strange but the reason the rule of three works so well is the way our brain proesses things. Ever notice when you’re listening to a speaker he or she normally gives you three examples, more noticeable than that is when you’re giving someone information when you are able to use three examples things just seem to flow easier.For instance she did a, b, and c, or he did 1, 2, and 3., make sense right? So when you can always use the rule of three.

Marketing isn’t marketing anymore.

Marketing isn’t marketing anymore. That’s true the old traditional ways of marketing are somewhat obsolete, I mean think about it, today you have the ability to reach people all over the world in a matter of minutes. And people will buy from you or follow you based on the value that you bring to them. It’s no longer a one time sales pitch, actually the first two and maybe three times you connect with someone there’s no selling at all. But perhaps the best part of the marketing systems today is there inxepensive and you can do much of it yourself.

The Larry James show

Hello, and welcome to the Larry James show.I want to give you a little incite on what we do here, we help, that’s right I know that even though we are all on this site we are not all making the money we would like to. But many time it’s simply lack of knowledge that’s keeps us from acheiving that goal, so as I post here perhaps you will  learn some of the things I know. Because remember, he who is the best informed makes the best decisions, right.. And every now and again leave me a comment or a like. You see the beauty of when you leave a like or a comment is that other people can see your link as well and can follow what you’re doing also.

Station WIIFM

Station WIIFM, are you familiar with that one? Most people you encounter are tuned into that station, your job is to give them something of value. What is that you ask, “what’s in it for me”. In today’s fast pace world we all need tips, techniques, and information of value that we can impliment to make our live run smoother, am I right? So as an Author, Speaker, or Business Owner when you reach out to your prospective customer always keep in mind that they are initally tuned into that station.

Do you dress for Success?

We’re all interviewing or being interviewed, we’re all trying to express to the world the way we are.When you think of Success, how do you view a successful persons attire? Do you Dress for Success? Is that something that’s important too you, or do you feel that clothes don’t make the man? Is it necessary to you, that every time you’re in a business setting that you present yourself in a certain attire? Do you want people to remember you for what you said or for what you wore? Well I’m going to share something with you about the way you dress. Unless you are simply someone who really takes pride in what you wear, and is very conscious about the way you look, to dress for success simply means to match the clothes with the environment. For instance don’t wear a suit to a meeting at a gravel pit, it doesn’t match. “Get it, Got it, Good”.

I printed up money this weekend

That’s right  I created my first kindle eBook over the weekend. It only took me 8 hours of writing and editing the content. And actually markets it for me.
The title is “How to start a business with only a high school education” The cost is only 2.99, and you can share the information even without purchasing it, how great is that. You can check out my other books while you’re there also. simply type in Larry D James. Have a very productive day. Oh yea, I almost forgot the best part it’s all free, that’s right free!!!

Start a Business on what you like

Today many people are  starting their very first business, their initial reaction to this can be overwhelming. One of the techniques I recommend to my clients is to view their business in 3 tiers, meaning focus on setting up the foundation, the middle level, and the penthouse. Remembering that each level has different skill sets, and the way that you introduce your company to the world during the foundation phase will be very different to the introduction from the penthouse. The joy however is in the journey, take time to enjoy the process and before you know it, people will go for asking you why are you doing that, to how do you do that.

Believing in yourself

I want to touch for a moment on belief. Many people who want to start a business simply won’t because they don’t believe in themselves enough. The main reason for that is they haven’t gained enough knowledge up to that point. As your knowledge increases so will your opportunites, because you’ll be able to identify opportunites that you couldn’t before,which allows your confidence to increase as well as your decision making process to become more effective. But you have to start and as you do your belief in yourself will increase.