My weekend question for you.

Watch this short video and think seriously about the question I pose here. I will come back after the weekend and you should have considered your answer. If you already know the answer and like many are simply stuck in neutral allow me to help get you back in drive and let’s get closer to that figure. Have a fantastic weekend and be safe.

Being you.

Sometimes understanding who you are and what your mission or purpose is can be really difficult to figure out. And many times we only figure it out along the way to another place. The key is just to simply learn to be yourself, and release yourself from comparing and focus more on completing what you start. That in it self will tell you who you really are. Have a great day and don’t forget to like me, if you like me. Check out this quick clip and I’ll talk with you later.

I’ve written 4eBooks this month for

I have joined forces with amazon to create new eBooks, and in the past month I’ve written 4 eBooks, that are designed to assist you with starting your own online business. The system is fantastic if you enjoy writing, or if you would like to learn how to write short 20 or 25 page eBooks. Think about that for a moment, you are a published author on amazon, doesn’t that sound great? And what would your friends say? Plus you recieve 70% royalties for writing your eBooks, but the best part is that it’s absolutely free to publish your book. That’s right I said FREE. Check out my first 4 eBooks that I created at and check out the KDP publishing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing that’s right ladies and gentlemen this is something that is a must if you are to become successful online. And if you haven’t fully wrapped your mind around how this process really works, I just finished writing an eBook on simply click on the link and add it to your system it’s only 2.99. have a fantastic weekend and please leave a comment.

Driving Traffic and Creating Products

Two things I want to discuss with you today, driving traffic to your site, and creating products. On the internet these are major, just ask anyone. Let me pole a question to you, how well do you do these 2 things? Be honest, because I can tell. Do you know that when you target a certain niche that you’re actually building a relationship with these individuals? They are going to make decisions on whether they should learn or buy from you, based on if they know, like, and trust you, according to the value of information that you deliver. So when you decide that you’re really ready to make some real money, start to create products. After all the will sell 24/7, Right!!!

Focus on the Message not the Messenger.

Happy Friday to all my hard working creative entrepreneurs, this is just a little something I wanted to leave with you to ponder over the weekend. As I began to sharpen my skills as a businessman I always listened to different people’s point of view via…videos,seminars, webinars and on and on. The thing I began to notice was that I was able to understand the message more so than the messenger. And you will too, have a fantastic weekend and we’ll talk soon, be safe…

Time to Build your Fortune.

Time to Build your Fortune. That’s right ladies and gentlemen the time has come, if you’re like me no longer is time a luxury. No longer do I feel as if I haven’t even lived half my life. No longer do I feel comfortable saying well I’ll do it tomorrow. Time has become of the essence for me, and probable for many of you as well. If you are like me  and would like to leave a legacy of some sort, so that one day your grand children could say my grand dad did this, or my papa did that, well the time is now. If you’ve started great, if not let’s do it. “NOW”