Products and Services

Whether you understand or not it’s very important that you realize the way businesses start and are able to grow is by creating products or services. If you don’t yet have a product or service start to think in terms of what you would like to create a CD, DVD, Video, book, whatever you decide make a decision to see it all the way through so that you have the actual finished product in you hands. The step after that is to start to work on the marketing part of your business. Because now you have something that will begin to open more doors for you.

Starting a business tip

Once you decide to start your new business the first step should be to identify all the pieces involved in making your business run smoothly. Once you’ve done that create a system that will allow you to monitor those pieces for growth. Simple right, well here comes the hard part, now you must choose to MASTER those pieces. Yes that will take time which is why I suggest you start your business that’s inline with what you’re passionate about. This is how you create your very own MASTERPIECE, or BUSINESS, because those 2 words will become interchangeable, and again all inline with your PASSION.

A little about the ego

Most people are not really sure when their ego has kicked in, and many people view things exclusively through their ego. Well when you decide to start a business its very important that you’re able to identify when your ego has reared its head. One of the tips I like to share is that anytime you think in terms of “I”, “ME”, “MINE”, “MY” and words along those lines that’s not you, it’s your ego.