Your Unique and Special Gift

We all have special talents and gifts, all individually supplied for you and you alone. That’s right, you see the world in a way that is unique, special, and highly valuable to others. We all have our own purpose for being here and that is always in line with your passion. Whatever your passion is you are the only one with this special way of seeing things. -And you know that to be a fact-. Today more and more people are turning their unique”message” into products and services, and -it works-.So starting today begin to focus more on what exactly your unique gift or talent is, and start to grow a business around it, and you will never work another day in your life.

What product should I create first?

What product should you create first? As a person who wants to start a business online, you may want to ask yourself this question. Think in terms of you doing what you do everyday, alone and with the resources you have available. (Verses) You doing what you do everyday, with 1, 2, or even more products bringing in cash for you every day to help grow your ideas and your new business. Products as simple as CD’s, DVD’s,Ebooks, and more. Two beautiful things about online businesses are the overhead is very low, and the return on your investment can be endless.

400 Billion dollars a year

Think about this for a moment, the information Industry is a 400 Billion dollar a year industry and growing. The future is an- information explosion-. More and more people are being able to have a part of the american dream via, home based businesses.The key is to create products, technology has allowed the person who was at one time computer illiterate, to start and run a multi-million dollar business from home. The time to get your piece of that 400 Billion is NOW!!  And remember if not now when, and if not you, who?

A great way to market your new book

After  you’ve spent countless hours writing and editing your book, gone through the publishing process and now the time has come for you to actually market it. How exactly do you do that, right. After all you’re an author, you’re in the writing business, not the marketing business. Right, well this is one of the ways I’ve implimented into my system that has become very beneficial in terms of generating capital as well as making fantastic connections. Renting a booth at different events and festivals. The booth fee is normally between 40 and 200 dollars, but can go much higher, however start small, and as you become more familiar with the process you can move up. Plus you have to make sure you’re able to have your products available. Try it, it might be just the right fit.

My 2nd Radio Interview

Well today is August 25th and I am perparing for my 2nd radio interview for my second book titled- You, the most Valuable piece to your Success. I will go live on the Kami Grayson show- station live from Dallas Texas, it begins at 11am. If you’re close to a computer and have a few minutes to listen in I would love to share some me time with you. I really enjoyed writing this book and have had tremendous responses from people who have had a chance to read it. You can pick up a copy at your local have a fantastic day and remember,there are 3 things you should add to daily, the Mind, the Body, and the Spirit.

Start to Write about your Business

As an Author one of the skills I needed to acquire was that of writing. Now I believe that everyone has at least one book in them, and after writing a series of books I know that to be a fact. Whether you aspire to write or not it’s beneficial to your business and your career to become famaliar with different places to leave your information so that people know you exist.Therefore I recommend that you start to write small articles about your business or products and post them to different places like:, or blogs that you create.

When you start your business don’t forget “Vistaprint”

Over the past 4 years of creating my business and my brand, no other part of my team has had more of an impact than Vistaprint. I am an Author and when I have my book signings I have banners to put up, flyers to pass out, and T-Shirts to wear representing my books and more. The beauty of their system is I have been able to purchase just about everything for simply shipping and handling.That’s right shipping and handling, ok now you have one of my secrets that you should impliment into your business. You can thank me later…

Goals one of the foundations of all Success

In order for your business to grow and become successful you first have to incorporate a way to monitor and measure your progress. This is done by setting strategic short term and long term goals that are inline with each other.  One of the people I studied on my journey was a guy by the name of Mitch Meyerson, perhaps you’ve heard of him well 3 questions he suggest you ask yourself in regards to your goals are:1.Do I have clear, written and measurable goals for my business and personal growth? 2.Have I created specific action steps required to achieve each goal? 3.Do I regularly track and measure the progress of each of my goals? If you answered NO to either of these make the necessary adjustments and watch the change.

Now that you’ve made your decision.

OK, you’ve made the decision to start your own business, great now you no longer have to consider that any longer. Now let’s begin to focus on the steps necessary to get you moving forward. These are my 3 staples for anyone who is starting an online business. First go out and buy 3 books on the subject, read each book cover to cover, no excuses on this one. Second, go to YouTube and type in that subject and start to watch videos on that subject. Third, register with 3 sites online that are inline with your topic and they will send you information on your subject that will keep you updated.